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I'm a Fourth year Undergraduate at IIT Delhi majoring in Electrical Engineering. My core interests are in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. In addition to these, I enjoy new technology, problem-solving and playing outdoor sports.

What is MindML?

Inspired from Notes on AI, MindML is a personal wiki on AI and ML. It is a collection of notes, resources, and ideas on various topics in AI and ML. The search function and simplistic site makes it easy to navigate and revisit the concepts I have learnt.

Why MindML?

First of all, I was bored. Second, the concepts, papers and articles I read were all lost and forgotten after few weeks. If I wanted to remember it, I had to again go through the cumbersome task of reading from various sources.

Hence, it's better to organize everything in one place. This will also help me in revising the concepts and ideas I have learnt.

How I use MindML?

To use MindML, I want myself to go through the pain of reading various articles only once. After that, I want to organize the concepts in my own words and in a way that I can easily understand.