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Pytorch Nuggets : A collection of short notes

1. Torch and Numpy

  • Default dtype of numpy is float64 whereas for pytorch, it is float32.
  • Thus, use ndarray.from_numpy().type(torch.float32) to convert numpy array to pytorch tensor.
  • torch.Tensor.numpy() converts pytorch tensor to numpy array. Data type will be float32.

2. Reshape, View, squeeze, unsqueeze

  • View just changes the shape but addresses the same memory. Thus, if you change any value after view operation, it will change the original tensor as well.
  • Reshape creates a copy of the tensor and thus, changes in reshaped tensor will not affect the original tensor.
  • Squeeze removes all the dimensions with size 1. For example, A x 1 x B x 1 X C will return A x B x C.
  • Unsqueeze adds a dimension of 1 at specified dim.

3. Evaluation mode

  • Instead of using torch.no_grad(), its better to use torch.inference_mode() as it is more efficient.

4. Random Seed

  • Use torch.manual_seed( <int> ) to set the random seed for all the modules.

5. Mean

  • dtype of the tensor can only be float or complex for torch.mean().